Stop Trying To Emulate Amazon, Start Listening To Your End Customers

Too many companies today are trying to emulate, or even copy, the strategies of their competitors thinking it will help their business in the same way it helped the other. Take Amazon, for example. Amazon is widely successful in its strategies and would seem like a great business model. But if all you do is copy Amazon, you won’t get the result you need. Although patterning your strategy off of other successful businesses seems like a viable approach, it won’t get you where you want to go in the end. You’ll [...]

Stop Trying To Emulate Amazon, Start Listening To Your End Customers2023-01-31T15:56:09-06:00

B2B Suppliers Don’t Need Point-Of-Sale Data To Grow Market Share 9 out of 10 manufacturers want access to more point-of-sale data. But who needs POS when you've got market intelligence? Watch James Dorn and distribution veteran John Gunderson explain. Thoughts? Questions? As always, feel free to reach out to talk in greater depth about these and other issues impacting your business.

B2B Suppliers Don’t Need Point-Of-Sale Data To Grow Market Share2023-01-31T15:53:43-06:00

Are Your Metrics Misleading? Avoid These 6 Mistakes of Business Intelligence

I started off intending to write an article on metrics. What I realized quickly was there was no real consensus on specific metrics. In fact, deciding which metrics are most critical is a strategy unto itself. Looking at individual metrics without putting them into the larger context is like looking at an elephant through a microscope. So, think of metrics in terms of your ‘Business Intelligence Strategy’. When developing a Business Intelligence strategy, there are six common mistakes and ways to avoid them: Mistake #1. Misapplying Metrics. The most common mistake [...]

Are Your Metrics Misleading? Avoid These 6 Mistakes of Business Intelligence2021-11-17T09:52:10-06:00