Performance Playbook Workshop: Inventory

In this video, J Schneider, James Dorn and John Gunderson share key insights from a recent performance playbook workshop focused on profitability, inventory optimization, and pricing optimization. The discussion emphasizes strategies for managing inventory, specifically the importance of correctly allocating A, B, C, and D SKUs to maximize growth and profitability. The critical role of manufacturers and distributors working together to optimize inventory and improve service levels is also highlighted.

Key Takeaways:

  • Inventory Optimization: Properly managing and reallocating inventory can lead to a 10-30% increase in profitability.
  • Collaborative Approach: Partnering with suppliers can help reallocate slow-moving inventory to free up working capital.
  • Focus on A and B SKUs: Prioritizing high-demand items ensures better service levels and customer satisfaction.

Thoughts? Questions?

Ask us about internal pricing surveys and industry benchmarking to keep your company competitive in the months ahead.