If a Product Launches in Distribution and No One Notices, Did It Even Happen?
Most new products don’t fail because they’re bad—they fail because they’re ignored. Learn the six proven strategies top manufacturers use to maximize ROI, drive distributor adoption, and make new product launches impossible to overlook.
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Catalyzing Growth: Unveiling the Strategic Pivots of Fastenal in a Digital Era Fastenal's success story is not just a case study. It's a blueprint for navigating the dynamic B2B landscape. From a B2B distributor with [...]
Executive Briefing: State of the Channel 2024 Our 2024 State of the Channel Executive Briefing dives into key trends and challenges in distribution and manufacturing, drawing on surveys across both [...]
Fastenal’s Big Pivot, Part 3: Investments, Line Expansions & Digital Growth
This article was reprinted with permission from Modern Distribution Management (MDM). It is a great publication and we highly recommend becoming an MDM Premium [...]
Fastenal’s Big Pivot, Part 2: Sales Specialization & Realignment
This article was reprinted with permission from Modern Distribution Management (MDM). It is a great publication and we highly recommend becoming an MDM Premium [...]
How Fastenal Made the ‘Big Pivot’ that Paid Big Dividends
This article was reprinted with permission from Modern Distribution Management (MDM). It is a great publication and we highly recommend becoming an MDM Premium [...]
Using Active Category Management to Drive Profitability Many distributors have seen double-digit growth with historic profit levels over the past three years that are now moderating. So they are largely [...]
How B2B Manufacturers and Distributors Can Stay Competitive and Continue To Grow When Price Matters The Most Not long ago you won the sale if you had inventory -- no matter the price. Those days are gone. Customers are price [...]
Profitability Playbook: Using Enterprise Pricing Controls With softening demand trends ahead, James Dorn and Tom Gale bust the myths of not being able to grow both top-line revenue and [...]
Profitability Playbook: Data & Analytics This conversation between Dorn Group President & CEO James Dorn and MDM CEO Tom Gale centers on how data analytics will prove crucial [...]
Panel: Build First-Cost Position to Create Win-Win Supplier Relationships In this 2023 Profitability Summit panel discussion, James Dorn and John Gunderson host industry experts sharing insights and experiences on how wholesale distributors [...]
The Data Analytics Journey in Industrial B2B Distribution The power of AI as a competitive differentiator is far from being defined. In this conversation, James Dorn and Tom Gale look at [...]
How IIoT and AI Spell Opportunity for Non-Connected Products Too Even low-tech products are part of a connected ecosystem. James Dorn and J Schneider describe how the pervasiveness of IIoT and AI / [...]
Why Now Is The Moment To Invest In New Product Introductions Our data suggests there is a window of opportunity to gain a competitive advantage through NPIs. Watch James Dorn and J Schneider discuss [...]
The Power of Qualitative Analytics
James Dorn and Tom Gale explore how to collect qualitative data to ensure distribution associates are in tune with what their end customers most [...]
How B2B Distributors Can Win Rock Fights Over Price End customers are pushing back hard on price increases. James Dorn and John Gunderson share 3 ways distributors can cut costs, delivery more [...]
How to Tame ‘Suppliers Gone Wild’ Heading Into A Down Cycle Distributors must become more important to fewer customers in the coming months. Watch James Dorn and John Gunderson share 3 ways to optimize [...]
Pricing for Digital Commerce
One of the biggest factors limiting the success of B2B distributor eCommerce is pricing. James Dorn looks at pricing strategy and two schools of [...]
Maximizing New Product Introduction ROI Industry experts James Dorn, John Gunderson, J Schneider, and Jim Perdue delve into the latest trends and best practices for New Product Introduction [...]