5 Threats Facing B2B Manufacturing Distributors 

The role of distributors has changed drastically over time. It has gone from representing manufacturers to representing buyers, and it’s still shifting. Today, the role of distributors continues to change, and not necessarily for the better. The distributor business model faces bigger challenges and threats than ever before. With the growing influence of online retailers and supply chains over the last several years, relationships between consumers and manufacturers are shifting. This means that distributors are scrambling to keep up with these changes to stay in the game and stay relevant to [...]

5 Threats Facing B2B Manufacturing Distributors 2023-01-31T15:56:35-06:00

Stop Trying To Emulate Amazon, Start Listening To Your End Customers

Too many companies today are trying to emulate, or even copy, the strategies of their competitors thinking it will help their business in the same way it helped the other. Take Amazon, for example. Amazon is widely successful in its strategies and would seem like a great business model. But if all you do is copy Amazon, you won’t get the result you need. Although patterning your strategy off of other successful businesses seems like a viable approach, it won’t get you where you want to go in the end. You’ll [...]

Stop Trying To Emulate Amazon, Start Listening To Your End Customers2023-01-31T15:56:09-06:00

Rethinking B2B Go-To-Market Strategy and Resource Allocation

You need a go-to-market strategy to successfully bring in repeated and dependable business. To create this plan, distributors have different teams in charge of certain aspects of the strategy. Over time, though, that strategy will likely need to change to stay competitive and successful. Because of this, here at Dorn Group, we’re seeing a large shift in the way distributors are doing their B2B go-to-market strategies and resource allocation. As a result, manufacturers are coming to us with questions about whether they should be redesigning their programs or changing the way [...]

Rethinking B2B Go-To-Market Strategy and Resource Allocation2023-01-31T15:55:02-06:00

If Distributors No Longer Control The B2B Buying Process, Then Who Does?

https://youtu.be/F2MEg4GewHU The 'Distribution Monarchy' is dead. Meet the new boss in the industrial supply channel buying process. Hint: It's neither the supplier, nor the distributor. Thoughts? Questions? As always, feel free to reach out to talk in greater depth about these and other issues impacting your business.

If Distributors No Longer Control The B2B Buying Process, Then Who Does?2023-01-31T15:54:30-06:00