About Neil Ruffolo

Neil is Director, Digital Strategy, at Dorn Group. Read more about us.

It’s Time to Make Strategic Business Agreements More Strategic

This article was originally published by Modern Distribution Management (MDM) and is used here with permission. For more than 50 years MDM has provided industry leading content for B2B Manufacturers and Distributors. We highly recommend becoming an MDM Premium subscriber. By John Gunderson and Steve Gettleman They say a strong economy hides a lot of dysfunctionalities in a company. But when the going gets tough, it becomes easier to determine who your most valuable partners really are. With the economy potentially softening, manufacturers and distributors will need to put all their cards on [...]

It’s Time to Make Strategic Business Agreements More Strategic2024-03-06T16:06:48-06:00

Identity Resolution: The Personalized Marketing Success Factor No One Else Tells You About

Every B2B digital marketer has heard this at least once: “I just want to know who is visiting our website.” It is the Holy Grail of lead generation, but not a wholly unreasonable thing for someone to expect. After all, it is customary for everyone who visits or calls an office in real life to provide a name and contact info. Anyone who refuses to do so is shown the door immediately. But the same rules do not apply online. Anonymity is and always has been the default in cyberspace. Yet [...]

Identity Resolution: The Personalized Marketing Success Factor No One Else Tells You About2021-11-15T11:04:54-06:00

For Manufacturers, There Can Be More to Measuring Digital Marketing Effectiveness Than Meets the Eye

Making the shift to a “user first” culture can be a high hurdle for some manufacturing organizations. Even so, the potential payoff has many execs moving in this direction. In fact, everyday business language is now peppered with buzzwords like customer-centricity, customer loyalty, end-to-end customer experience (CX), and voice of the customer (VOC). Whatever angle you take, the root goal is the same: Get those who need your product to want your brand… even if they’re not the ones who pay your invoice. Yet leaders who recognize how demand originates with [...]

For Manufacturers, There Can Be More to Measuring Digital Marketing Effectiveness Than Meets the Eye2021-11-17T09:26:42-06:00