About Jim Perdue

Jim is Director, Client Strategy, at Dorn Group. Read more about us.

Annual Marketing Planning: Making the Shift from Sales Support to Revenue Generation

Each year, marketing executives at manufacturing firms embark on the strategic annual marketing planning process. The objective of this process is to lay out a detailed map of marketing activities for the year to come, as well as set measurable goals for impact. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? Not so much. The reality is that many manufacturing marketing leaders struggle with how best to approach the planning process. Too often, they make plans based on what they’ve done in the past rather than proactively looking to find where the best opportunities lie [...]

Annual Marketing Planning: Making the Shift from Sales Support to Revenue Generation2021-11-17T08:59:51-06:00

The Simple Questions You Should Ask Your Manufacturing Product Managers to Avoid the Reactionary Problem-Solving Cycle

Manufacturing product managers have a uniquely challenging job, one that makes it especially difficult to find time for bigger-picture thinking. As the product expert, product managers have a hand in every aspect of an individual product’s design, production, distribution, and sales. Product managers may do a great job of keeping projects on deadline and under budget, but if they aren’t attuned to industry trends and Voice of the customer (VOC), that effort will ultimately be wasted. Without thoughtful guidance coming from leadership, your team can get stuck in a reactionary cycle [...]

The Simple Questions You Should Ask Your Manufacturing Product Managers to Avoid the Reactionary Problem-Solving Cycle2021-11-17T09:28:34-06:00