About Jim Perdue

Jim is Director, Client Strategy, at Dorn Group. Read more about us.

Up Your Manufacturing Company’s Marketing Game with Point-of-Sale Data

Your manufacturing company recently launched a new marketing campaign. Naturally, your next step is to measure the success of your campaign by tracking the ROI on your investment. You know how much you spent. Now you just need to follow your customers’ trails to see how that spend relates to sales. You can see that users are following a pay-per-click (PPC) search ad to your website, then navigating to a where-to-buy listing of your distributors. You can even see that they clicked-through to a dealer like Grainger, or Acme, or Amazon. [...]

Up Your Manufacturing Company’s Marketing Game with Point-of-Sale Data2021-11-15T11:06:42-06:00

Eyes on the Prize: Managing Your Sales Team’s Mindshare

Like all consumers, today’s industrial customers are less brand-loyal. They want the best, fastest, most cost-effective solutions regardless of brand. And most of the time they’re willing to buy from the lowest bidder, whether that’s the manufacturer, a distributor or a third party. As a result, the manufacturer-distributor relationship is in flux. Not surprisingly, as customer loyalty wanes and distributors race to carry as many brands as possible, distributors are also less loyal to their manufacturing partners. From a sales perspective, this means you have to work harder to ensure your [...]

Eyes on the Prize: Managing Your Sales Team’s Mindshare2021-11-15T11:30:11-06:00

The Power of Revenue Operations

From product innovations to customer experience, most manufacturing firms prioritize market-facing strategies in the quest to maximize profits. It makes sense. But what about internal operations? The reality is that your firm’s internal activities represent an important opportunity to drive revenue in their own right. After all, the more efficiently and effectively your team works together, the higher your rate of profitability will be. Bringing your cross-functional teams into alignment is about more than just agreeing to work toward the same goals. You must maintain and leverage that alignment by keeping [...]

The Power of Revenue Operations2022-01-18T13:55:37-06:00

How to Enhance Your Manufacturing Company’s Sales Organization to Accelerate Revenue Growth

If you’re like most manufacturing executives, the health and performance of your sales organization is always top of mind. Is your sales team driving enough revenue to meet your corporate goals? Is it sophisticated enough to protect and grow your firm’s market share? Are your sales team members using best-in-class practices, or are they “milk run” reps? You know your sales team plays a vital role in the health of your company. So, if you aren’t satisfied with the answers to those questions, it’s time to make some changes. Manufacturers today [...]

How to Enhance Your Manufacturing Company’s Sales Organization to Accelerate Revenue Growth2022-01-18T14:37:25-06:00

Build the Room, Then Fill It: Using Demand Creation and Lead Generation In Concert to Grow Your Business

Marketers at manufacturing companies are responsible for building brand awareness, creating demand for products and services and converting that demand into qualified leads. A holistic marketing program works to achieve each of those goals in concert. Too often, however, marketers focus their energies almost exclusively on short-term campaigns that seek to convert existing demand into sales. Lead generation campaigns are an important piece of the marketing puzzle, to be sure. But if they represent the majority of your marketing activities, you’ll eventually see diminishing returns. Lead generation marketing campaigns only work [...]

Build the Room, Then Fill It: Using Demand Creation and Lead Generation In Concert to Grow Your Business2021-11-17T08:51:59-06:00